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PC 400 Partikkelilaskuri, kannettava


Partikkeli laskuri PC 400 - kannettava, ISO 8573 mukainen

The highly precise optical particle counter PC 400 measures particles from a size of 0.1 µm and is therefore suitable for monitoring of the compressed air quality class 1 (ISO 8573). The correct function the filtration elements mounted in the compressed air is monitored and possible filter perforations are recognized immediately. The compressed air flow through the particle counter is automatically supervised.

  • Mobile solution in combination with DS 500 mobile

    • PC 400 particle counter up to 0.1 µm for compressed air and gases incl. pressure reducer, in a service case
    • Connection cable for third-party sensors to portable devices, ODU/open ends, 5 m
    • Chart recorder DS 500 mobile, 4 sensor inputs
    • CS Soft Basic - data evaluation in graphic and table form - reading out of the measured data via USB or Ethernet
    • Alternative version to PC 400 up to 0.1 µm: PC 400 paticle counter up to 0.3 µm for compressed air and gases incl. pressure reducer

Suosittelemme myös

Absoluutti paineanturi CS 1.6

Valmistaja: CS Instruments GmbH

Painesensori CS 1.6, painealueille 0...1.6 abs, mittaa koko alueen 1 %:n tarkkuudella. Tarkempaan mittaukseen, valikoimassamme on myös anturi 0,5 %:n  koko alueen tarkkuudella.

Ulostulo signaali: 4...20 mA, 2-johdin
Power Supply:..

CS Leak Reporter -ohjelma

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