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HAF -sarja

Lämpösaattolinja integrioidulla suodattimella

Application potential: Portable measuring instruments, TÜV (technical inspection agencies) application.

Analytical heating hose systems with integrated filter are an advanced development of the previous separated systems of heated hose and heated filter section. This version was preferentially designed for use with portable measuring instruments. For this purpose, special importance was placed on a light and flexible construction. The version shown is designed for this application.

HAF specification
Test gas pipes (PTFE core DN 2 or DN 4) and control lines can be built into this system as options. The filter housing is made of 1.4571 steel. Versions in Hasteloy or with PTFE coating are also possible. The heating hoses can be connected to all our controller types (see chapter Control technology). Our HTI integral system is preferred. Temperature measurement is performed on the filter housing for all other control systems.

For general use, the filter housing can be adapted to other filter dimensions, other hose diameters and hose lengths so that this new development can be matched to all our existing analytical heating hose systems and covers the complete range of analytical technology.

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H300 -sarja

Analyysimittausten näytelinja 
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H 300 C -sarja

Lämpösaattolinja vaihdettavalla PTFE sisäletkulla ja ruuvattavilla liittimillä

Application potential: Maintaining the temperature of probe lines for motor exhaust, CO2 measurements, industrial exhaust gasses, blast furnace exhaust gasses, air testing, etc.

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